Zinc UI


Capture user data with various forms of text input.

This will be publicly displayed.

Username is required.

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<x-input wire:model="username" label="Username" description="This will be publicly displayed." />


Zinc UI makes it easy to wrap your inputs in a field with label/description and error messages. If you need more control over the layout of these fields, you can assemble the individual field components.
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<x-description>This will be publicly displayed.</x-description>
<x-input wire:model="username" />
<x-error name="username" />


Use the variant prop to change the visual style of the input. The default value is outline .
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<x-input type="text" variant="outline" />
<x-input type="text" variant="filled" />


Use the size prop to make the input's height more compact. The default value is base .
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<x-input size="base" placeholder="Filter by..." />
<x-input size="sm" placeholder="Filter by..." />


Add a badge to the label by using badge and badge-color props. If the input is required it will automatically add a required badge.
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<x-input type="email" label="Email" required />
<x-input type="email" label="Email" required badge="Not Optional" badge-color="red" />


Use the browser's various input types for different situations: text , email , password , date , file , etc. The default value is text .
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<x-input type="text" label="Text" />
<x-input type="email" label="Email" />
<x-input type="password" label="Password" />
<x-input type="date" max="2999-12-31" label="Date" />
<x-input type="file" label="File" />


Prevent users from interacting with an input by disabling it.
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<x-input disabled type="email" label="Email" placeholder="[email protected]" />
<x-input disabled type="file" label="File" />


Useful for locking an input during a form submission.
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<x-input readonly variant="filled" />

Input masking

Restrict the formatting of text content for unique cases by using Alpine's mask plugin .
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<x-input label="Phone" x-mask="(+99) 999-9999-9999" />
<x-input label="Date of Birth" x-mask="99/99/9999" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY" />
<x-input label="Credit Card"
x-mask:dynamic="$input.startsWith('34') || $input.startsWith('37')? '9999 999999 99999' : '9999 9999 9999 9999'" />


Append or prepend an icon to the inside of a form input.
Recomended to use outline or solid icon variant with prefix o-... or s-... for inputs. More information visit icon component.
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<x-input icon="o-magnifying-glass" placeholder="Search orders" />
<x-input icon-trailing="s-credit-card" placeholder="4444-4444-4444-4444" />

Icon buttons

Append a button to the inside of an input to provide associated functionality. It can be add by using icon or iconLeading and iconTrailing slot.
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<x-input placeholder="Search orders">
<x-button size="sm" variant="subtle" icon="o-x-mark" class="mr-2" />
<x-input size="sm" placeholder="Search orders">
<x-button size="sm" variant="subtle" icon="o-x-mark" class="!h-6 mr-2" />


Zinc UI provides three special input properties to configure common input button behaviors. clearable for clearing contents, copyable for copying contents, and viewable for toggling password visibility. It use iconTrailing slot, so if use this actionable props, you can't use icon-trailing props.
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<x-input icon="o-magnifying-glass" placeholder="Search something" clearable />
<x-input icon="o-key" readonly copyable />
<x-input type="password" icon="o-finger-print" viewable />

Shortcuts for actions, it can be used when the input is focused.

Clearable : Alt + X , Copyable : Alt + C , Viewable : Alt + V .

Code highlighting provided by Torchlight