Zinc UI


A powerful and composable button component for your application.
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Use the variant prop to change the visual style of the button.
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<x-button variant="outline">Outline</x-button>
<x-button variant="primary">Primary</x-button>
<x-button variant="filled">Filled</x-button>
<x-button variant="danger">Danger</x-button>
<x-button variant="ghost">Ghost</x-button>
<x-button variant="subtle">Subtle</x-button>


The default button size works great for most cases, but here are some additional size options for unique situations.
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<x-button size="base">Base</x-button>
<x-button size="sm">Small</x-button>
<x-button size="xs">Extra small</x-button>


Automatically sized and styled icons for your buttons.
Recomended to use outline icon variant with prefix o-... for buttons. More information visit icon component.
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<x-button icon="o-users" />
<x-button icon="o-users">Users</x-button>
<x-button icon-trailing="o-users">Users</x-button>
<x-button variant="subtle" icon="o-users" />

Full width

A button that spans the full width of the container.
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<x-button variant="primary" icon="o-envelope" class="w-full">Send Email</x-button>

Button groups

Fuse related buttons into a group with shared borders.
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Icon groups

Fuse multiple icon buttons into a visually-linked group.
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<x-button icon="o-bars-3-bottom-left" />
<x-button icon="o-bars-3" />
<x-button icon="o-bars-3-bottom-right" />

Attached button

Append or prepend an icon button to another button to add additional functionality.
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<x-button>New product</x-button>
<x-button icon="o-chevron-down" />
For the dropdown part, you can refer to the dropdown component.

As a link

Display an HTML a tag as a button by passing the href props.
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<x-button href="https://google.com" icon-trailing="o-arrow-up-right">
Visit Google

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