Zinc UI


A composable dropdown component that can handle both simple navigation menus as well as complex action menus with checkboxes, radios, and submenus.
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<x-button icon-trailing="o-chevron-down">Options</x-button>
<x-menu.item icon="s-plus">New post</x-menu.item>
<x-menu.submenu heading="Sub menu" icon="s-adjustments-horizontal">
<x-menu.item icon="s-plus">Action 1</x-menu.item>
<x-menu.item>Action 2</x-menu.item>
<x-menu.item variant="danger" icon="s-trash">Delete</x-menu.item>

Navigation menus

Display a simple set of links in a dropdown menu.
Use the navmenu component for a simple collections of links. Otherwise, use the menu component for action menus that require keyboard navigation, submenus, etc.
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<x-dropdown position="bottom-end">
<x-profile avatar="https://ui-avatars.com/api/?name=Joe+Nikolaus&color=27272a&background=00000000&format=svg"
name="Joe Nikolaus" />
<x-navmenu.item href="#" icon="s-user">Account</x-navmenu.item>
<x-navmenu.item href="#" icon="s-building-storefront">Profile</x-navmenu.item>
<x-navmenu.item href="#" icon="s-credit-card">Billing</x-navmenu.item>
<x-navmenu.item href="#" icon="s-arrow-right-start-on-rectangle">Logout</x-navmenu.item>
<x-navmenu.item href="#" icon="s-trash" variant="danger">Delete</x-navmenu.item>


Customize the position of the dropdown menu via position props, the default value is bottom-start .
You can first pass the base position:
  • top , top-start , top-end .
  • bottom , bottom-start , bottom-end .
  • left , left-start , left-end .
  • right , right-start , right-end .
<x-dropdown position="top-start">
<x-dropdown position="bottom-end">
<x-dropdown position="left-start">
<x-dropdown position="right-end">


Customize the offset of the dropdown menu via offset props. These properties accept values in pixels, the default value is 6 .
<x-dropdown offset="6">
<x-dropdown offset="12">

Keyboard hints

Add keyboard shortcut hints to menu items to teach users how to navigate your app faster.
<x-button icon-trailing="s-chevron-down">Options</x-button>
<x-menu.item icon="s-pencil-square" kbd="Ctrl+S">Save</x-menu.item>
<x-menu.item icon="s-document-duplicate" kbd="Ctrl+D">Duplicate</x-menu.item>
<x-menu.item icon="s-trash" variant="danger">Delete</x-menu.item>


Visually group related menu items with a separator line.
<x-button icon-trailing="o-chevron-down">Options</x-button>
<x-menu.separator />
<x-menu.separator />
<x-menu.item variant="danger">Delete</x-menu.item>

Groups with headings

Group options under headings to make them more discoverable.
<x-button icon-trailing="o-chevron-down">Options</x-button>
<x-menu.group heading="Account">
<x-menu.group heading="Billing">

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